Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ikat Dye Day in Sequim

After enjoying Bonnie's inspiring presentation to our North Olympic Shuttle and Spindle guild in Sequim/Port Angeles WA on the joys of designing with Turned Weft Ikat, a group of members held a wrap, dye and warp day in July.

We assembled at my house with 8/2 cotton skeins wound and buckets ready. The first order of business was to use Bonnie's strategies to wrap our warps followed by adjournment outside to dye. We had four different dye buckets of bronze, deep green, blue and burgundy and used the standard bucket dye recipe for fiber reactive dyes. We also used the exhaust baths and ended up with about 30 skeins of beautiful yarns. Some linen and rayon skeins were also included and dyed successfully.

We then looked at a variety of towels and scarves woven earlier by Kathy and Lynn and set up a warping board for everyone to practice Bonnie's match and tie method. A loom was already warped and partly woven so all participants could see how to set up a pleasing warp.

It was an excellent, though lengthy day, and all participants left with dyed yarn and lots of enthusiasm. We hope to see a series of towels this year at our monthly show and tell and want to thank Bonnie again for an excellent concept.

Lynn Baritelle

Chair, NOSSG

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